
practical inquiry regarding meaning » value » capability / can do

The goal of practically probing our capabilities is to adopt the attitude of having chosen one's own limitations. This will first involve a healthy dose of imagination. Often times habitual ways of thinking serve to limit us in ways that don't conform to reality. Such limitations are artificial. Imagination both with respect to considering previously unacknowledged capabilities and with respect to reframing how we approach the question of capabilities to begin with can often reveal that we're more capable than we presume ourselves to be. At other times, however, we can overestimate what we're capable of. This usually occurs as we overlook the many smaller steps that need to be taken to achieve a goal that we would in fact be capable of achieving were we to take those many smaller steps. Capabilities are primarily practical, not ideal. The way to determine whether we're overestimating or underestimating ourselves is though experimentation. We can't know our limits until we practically/actually bump up against them. This will involve a great deal of trial and error. It will result in a great deal of failure. It will require a great deal of courage.

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