

relational inquiry

Pages under tab 2 place in dialogue knowledge and wisdom from different disciplines. The aim is to begin to build an integrated encyclopedia of the world's knowledge and wisdom as thematically arranged around the issues addressed by our Project's core questions. Here is where we'll collect and conduct research, both scholarly and creative, as individuals and in collaborative groups, and share that research constructively. The information we gather and produce won't be limited to factual information; it will include interpretive, symbolic, and metaphoric information as well, for these are powerful ways to communicate what is otherwise inexpressible.

Guiding the effort will be a spirit of openness to interdisciplinary dialogue. The set of questions this Project asks precipitates out of concerns we have in everyday experience, but it's only one set of questions; there are countless others. It can only be a win-win when we engage in dialogue with other approaches to existential inquiry. This will involve comparative studies of established philosophical systems, world religions, mythologies, psychological systems, and so on. The idea is not that we're taking information and forcing it to fit this Project's logic. Sometimes participants will use this Project's logic to interpret and reinterpret various traditions/domains of inquiry—perhaps especially to identify correspondences between systems—but oftentimes participants will be exploring other domains with an eye to opening up this Project's logic to be reinterpreted itself.

Currently the pages under tab 2 are underdeveloped, mostly listing potentially promising areas worth looking into to.

Please share your thoughts on Discord.