Please participate!
The hope is that this Project will provide a place for participants to build something beautiful together. At this nascent stage, any and all feedback contributes toward that vision. What will help you get involved?
- Please engage in the discussion forums on our Discord server:
- 0-general: Share your thoughts questions, comments, and concerns about the Project overall.
- 1-theory: How can the Project's theory (as presented under tab 1) be improved upon?
- 2-research: What other systems of thought and/or practice can help inform this Project and how?
- 3-practice: Share your thoughts regarding how our nascent community can have practical bearing on people's lives.
- 4-presentation: How might this Project's discourse be best and most beautifully presented—toward outreach, pedagogy, and so on?
- us with thoughts and/or to schedule a meeting.
Thank you!