

conceptual inquiry

Find the Project's core theory presented under tab 1. Since the Project is built around questions, and since the questions are to remain open, the theory will necessarily always be a work in progress. The way the questions can be asked will always be able to be expanded, refined, and integrated toward a greater degree of coherence—with itself, with our tacit concerns (tab 0), other domains of inquiry (tab 2), practical implications (tab 3), and even with presentation (tab 4). Adjusting the theory, in short, amounts to asking better questions, which will usually mean better articulating the terms in which the questions are currently asked.

_conceptual language criteria
• grounded in actual experiences
• nonideological and resists ideological capture
• open to new interpretations
• transparent (not getting in the way of what is said)
• (indirectly) says the unsayable (the meaning of existence)

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