
conceptual inquiry regarding meaning » value » culture / valued by us / our 'is'

With the possible exception of technology, given its outsized roll in our day-to-day, it is otherwise likely that nothing conditions our lives more than culture, especially if economic and political structures can be subsumed or at least linked tightly together with culture. Culture determines to a great extent our attitudes and dispositions toward life as well as our customary practices and broader goals in life, and it does so in a way that we take for granted and so don't notice.

A culture subsists in the habitual practices of a group of people—habitual practices that span generations as tradition/heritage. These practices are tacitly sanctioned by the people of a culture as those that make life worth living—practices which are mostly adopted uncritically. To identify the character of a culture is to give a report of the values one's society generally tends to cultivate. This involves giving a complex report of what the ancestors of the people in one's society tended to cultivate—what they cultivated within themselves and their societies (for better or worse)—see culture.

If we consider concentric circles of concern, from the personal and familial in the center to the cultural to the species-circle, planetary circle, and beyond, the anchor for our lives is the cultural. Personal and familial worlds are more immediately important and readily affected, but the acceptable range of activities conducted in these worlds is mostly determined by the culture in which they're embedded. And beyond the cultural level—to the cosmopolitan species world, and even to the inter-species planetary world—these are typically too far removed from our daily activities to have much of an impact.

With respect to the I and O-phases, X of K (in I) and X of N (in O) refer to the significance of that which is experienced. The world is a network of significance. It gets articulated as is does given the engaged activities of its participants. Significance in this case thus generally means relevance with respect to purposive activities. At the level of the world, and not a more idiosyncratic or liminal world, articulations are made given the norms of entire societies as historically conditioned—that is, by cultures.

I J T S Y - A
W Z U Q -
K R X V -
  E F G  
blueself/part; psychological
greendynamic/reciprocity; sociological
redworld/whole; physiological
X (significance) of N (activity) in O (intelligibility)
  • the significance of that which is experienced, relative to a context; a salience landscape (arena)
X (culture) of 'valued' in A (value)
  • valued by us
X (world) of K (experienced) in I (reality)
  • experienced as world
X (physiological) of F (transcendence) in L (conditions)
  • the primary context into we are to be integrated

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