
relational inquiry regarding meaning » value » culture / valued by us / our 'is'

• anthropology (comparing cultures), social psychology, sociology
• Heidegger: das Man, heritage
• structuralist accounts of how human beings are consequences of cultural relations (including language, etc.)
Theory of Basic Human Values (Schwartz)
World Values Survey—with cultural values map

• Dahlsgaard, K., Peterson, C., & Seligman, M. E. P. (2005) Shared virtue: The convergence of valued human strengths across culture and history [Review of General Psychology 9(3), 203-213]
• Nagami, I. (1985) Cultural gaps: Why do we misunderstand? In C. Amjad-Ali & A. Pitcher, eds., Liberation and ethics: Essays in religious social ethics in honor of Gibson Winter, pp. 123-134 [Center for the Scientific Study of Religion]

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