
relational inquiry regarding meaning » reality » self/world dynamic

• Heideggerian pre-reflective intentionality (reciprocally referential relationship between self and world)
• Heraclitus's flux as dynamic coincidence of opposites and the tension that maintains that unity: "They do not understand how that which differs with itself is in agreement: harmony consists of opposing tension, like that of the bow and the lyre" (DK 51)
• hermeneutics, especially existential hermeneutics
• James's radical empiricism (?)
• Jung's ego-Self axis, where ego ≅ self and Self ≅ world
• process philosophy, generally (?)
• paradox (?)
• Sheehan's account of Heidegger's Kehre: "Kehre-as-Gegenschwung is the dynamic sameness of ex-sistence/clearing, of Da-sein and Da-sein: a unique 'back-and-forth-ness' (reci-proci-tas) as a single unified phenomenon" (Making Sense of Heidegger, pg. 239). "Meaningful presence is possible only because of this oscillating sameness (reci-proci-tas, Gegen-schwung) of 'being-in' and 'the world of meaning'" (Ibid. pg. 241).
• vital engagement —see Nakamura, J. & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2003) The construction of meaning through vital engagement. In C. L. M. Keyes and J. Haidt, eds. Flourishing: Positive psychology and the life well-lived, pp. 83-104 [American Psychological Association]

_symbol & metaphor
• torus
• yin/yang as dynamic unity

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