
practical inquiry regarding meaning » reality » self/world dynamic

The overall goal of the W-node is the active integration of self and world. Alienation of self from world is the great enemy of experiencing meaning; the opposite is the active weaving together of self and world toward a sense of dynamic unity. This is done as we attend to the rhythms of both self and world and work to bring those rhythms into alignment/harmony. The fixed/static elements of both self and world fall away, giving way to a single rhythm from which meaning flows.

Practical tasks will include tending to the rhythms of our lives. Developing a consistent beat will help us focus. Doing this can involve keeping a schedule. Regularity in one's day can help us focus by helping us see there's a time for x and there's a time for y; we'll then be less likely to get distracted by thoughts regarding x when it's y-time. And we can do this with our weeks, too. Scheduling a day of rest (Sabbath) every seven days is a good idea. Unless we're deliberate about setting aside our work, we might not be able to enjoy the rest. We'll be thinking about all the other things unless we're deliberate about saying to ourselves, "this is not the time for those things." This can help us reset, too. On the first day of the week, it might be good to reflect on the previous week and anticipate the coming week, given the fresh-perspective afforded by the breather. Then, the years also have a rhythm: holidays, seasons, and so on. As it's regularity of change that allows anything to take form, rhythym in our lives will allow our lives to take definite form.

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