
practical inquiry regarding meaning » concrete conditions

Growth is the overall goal of the L-phase—growth as a function of self-control (I-phase), psychological balance (O-phase), and vital engagement (A-phase) taken together. Steadily advancing toward these goals by setting up and refining the conditions for their full realization constitutes the developmental growth toward which the L-phase aims. Developmental growth in this case means, not only an increase in possible experiences, but also an increase in our ability to fully appreciate the experiences we're having.

In connection with the A-phase's goal of vital engagement which involves flow, growth is necessary. The flow experience occurs as we're challenged but not overwhelmed and when the task at hand demands our complete attention, and as skills increase, challenges must increase. In connection with the O-phase's goal of psychological balance, as most often linked with feelings of at-home-ness in our social relationships, the balance achieves greater levels of depth in accordance with psychological maturity. Just as children go through various stages of psychological maturity as they grow into adults, so too can adults continue this progress in maturation. In connection with the I-phase's goal of self-control, again, the growth is a matter of refinement. Worlds of subtlty open before us as we gain greater control over our attention, deepening our appreciation for experience and existence itself.

The objectives and tasks involved in growth are concrete. We achieve growth indirectly by creating the conditions in which it can occur. Setting up the proper conditions requires attention paid to our physiological, sociological, and psychological conditions. We must endeavor to maintain healthy bodies, secure living environments, open relations with and mutual appreciation of others, personal responsibility, an attitude of gratitude, and so on. Together, these constitute the concrete objectives that concern our everyday lives.

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