
relational inquiry regarding meaning » concrete conditions

• aesthetics, esp. insofar as L-phase conditions might be thought of as together an impenetrable mirror, reflecting back our A-phase values similar to the way material absorbs some light frequencies while reflecting back those we see (subtractive color mixing)
• Aristotle's matter as potential (not actual)
Ecological systems theory—when L-nodes are understood in terms of a progression from the most immediate concrete conditions (D) to the most remote (F)
• Harman's OOO (?)
• later Heidegger: earth as self-concealing
• Peirce's synechism: the view that the universe is a continuous whole
• pragmatism as that branch of philosophy primarily interested in the practical effects of ideas: Ideas are rules for action, actions have consequences, and consequences matter; so, ideas matter.

_key texts
Maslow, A. H. (1943) Theory of human motivation [Psychological Review 50(4), 370-396] —outlining his famous hierarchy of needs
• Maslow, A. H. (1969) The farther reaches of human nature [Journal of Transpersonal Psychology 1(1), 1-9] —wherein Maslow discusses what could be considered a sixth level in his hierarchy addressing the transpersonal motivations of intrinsic/transcendent values

_additional texts
Graves, C. W. (1974) Human nature prepares for a momentous leap [The Futurist 8(2), 72-87] —initial outline of spiral dynamics as theory of human development
Hierocles' concentric circles of concern—when L-nodes are understood in terms of a progression from the most immediate concrete conditions (D) to the most remote (F)
• Kegan, R. (1982) The evolving self [Harvard UP]

_symbol & metaphor
chakras as presenting an alternate approach to L-phase questions—potentially parallel to Malsow's hierarchy. (While empirical science employs objective, propositional knowing to give us L-phase answers, other world traditions may offer approaches that include different modes of knowing, the language of which is often necessarily metaphorical.)
• element: earth
• Kaballah: Sephirah Malkuth
• magick: pentacle/disk/coin (redemption)

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