
practical inquiry regarding meaning » concrete conditions » materiality

The goal here is the complete satisfaction of our physiological needs—in a word, health—including all the factors that support health: access to clean water, nutritious food, clothing suitable for the weather, adequate shelter from the elements, regular exercise for maintaining strength, and so on. Objectives will include things like knowing how to make healthy, nutritious meals, keeping a habit of exercising, and so on. For many of us, including most everyone who will be reading this, we have relatively easy access to the means for satisfying these basic needs. If anything, we've come to take for granted our relative abundance (relative to the history of humanity and even to much of the world that will not be reading this), that we've gotten complacent in this regard, leaving behind the proper care we ought to pay to basic health matters.

Practices will include finding ways to make tending to our basic needs richly enjoyable. These might include the subtle pleasure of cultivating plants in a garden; enjoying the preparation and sharing of quality, nutritious meals; enjoying recreational activities with friends that include physical activities (exercise); and so on.

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