
How does materiality condition experience?

Issues surrounding the question how does materiality condition experience? are those that most immediately occupy our day-to-day concerns. For example, what should we eat for dinner? would be an example of such an issue. Also: How am I going to pay the rent this month? Which pants should I buy? Shall I get some exercise by going for a hike today? And so on.

Yet these concerns run deeper even than the questions listed above. When we feel hungry, for example, we already care about the question of material conditions even before asking it—or when we feel cold, or pain, or pleasure, and so on.

Of course, we might also take special notice of these types of issues when we make a deliberate effort to learn to eat healthy foods, for example—or when we adopt an exercise regimen, or even when we push ourselves to earn the money necessary to live in a desirable neighborhood, and so on.

Additionally, we might reflect upon how our particular embodiment conditions our experience. For example, we might notice and then come to explicitly ask ourselves how our age, sex, appearance (including race, weight, and so on) condition our lives, perhaps even given how these features of our embodiment are generally viewed by others in society.

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