
How is truth subjectively known?

Those of us who didn't come from families with parents who had jobs requiring rigorous mental work might have learned to be suspicious of intellectual knowledge. We might have learned the difference between "book smarts" and what "really" matters—namely, practical ability. Alternately, we might have been given the impression that the intellect is cool and uncaring, and that, again, what really matters is not to practice impeccable logic but to look out for our loved ones, for example. Each of these cases points to an intuition many of us possess that truth is broader than that which can only be accessed by the analyzing intellect. To achieve impeccable logic, the intellect will chop the world up into stateable facts, yet we don't live in a world that's been chopped up through analysis. We live in a continuous world that's messy, where facts are blended together into an ever-changing whole. This whole is the context that those possessing practical abilities are tuned into. And the continuity of this whole is maintained by relationships between facts, relationships that aren't cool and uncaring but warm and alive. When truth is spoken of in this context, it doesn't simply refer to a possible property of propositions (beliefs and claims) along with falsity. Truth in this sense isn't simply a property of what we believe or say about reality but a feature of reality itself. It's what's in between what we can say; it captures the whole of a situation and not just isolated and analyzed facts about it.

This is not to say that intellectual analysis isn't useful. This is not to say that propositional truth (P-node) isn't critically important to get right. It's just to recognize that there are different kinds of knowledge than intellectual knowledge and that there are different kinds of truth than those truths arrived at by analysis. Where we go wrong is when we mistake one type of knowledge for the other or call one type of truth by the other's name. It's important to keep the distinction straight and explore each in depth.

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