
How does community condition experience?

As social animals, we always already care deeply about our relationships with others. How much of myself can I share with this person? Do I feel adequately supported in this relationship, and am I providing adequate support? Am I listening well enough? Are they hearing what I think I'm saying, or are they interpreting it differently? Are we on the same page here? For the sake of fairness, what do I owe this person, and what do they owe me? Should I check in on my friend today? What can I do to strengthen our bond? When is it best to stop questioning and simply trust our connection? Do I really know what they're going through? and so on. We can certainly ask these questions explicitly, but mostly we feel them—that is, we ask them implicitly and experience the questions as particular feelings of concern with respect to the others in our lives.

The above questions involve personal relationships, but the questions can also address communities at a suprapersonal level. How shall I spend my money? How is what I'm doing indirectly contributing to the benefit or harm of society? Who should I vote for? And so on.

Generally, this family of questions involves sharing, exchange, and communication, all of which factor into our natural need for love and belonging.

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