
How does liberty condition experience?

Questions regarding freedom are open for us mostly when we don't feel as if we're in control of our lives—when our will is in some way thwarted. This may mean that there are external impediments barring us from exercising a capacity that we're otherwise capable of exercising and are motivated to exercise, or that there are internal impediments preventing us from living up to our full potential, or that there is some combination of both.

We begin to move this tacit, open question into its reflective mode as we begin making the effort to set up the conditions in which we're free to live our best lives. No life can be lived without constraints, but some constraints thwart us while others allow us to maximize our potential. So, how can we arrange the conditions of our lives such that we enjoy the appropriate amount of freedom for becoming who we are? Surely setting up these conditions will require us to forestall many immediate freedoms for the sake of those committments and responsibilities that will limit our freedom in such a way that we become more free to be who we are. Doing this requires a great deal of effort. For example, we have to notice how we tend to respond to situations and choose wisely about which situations to place ourselves in. Which challenges will call us to rise to the occassion but not demand more of us than we can currently handle? Which situations tempt us too much, such that the energy expended to resist the temptation isn't worth the effort? And so on...

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