
representational inquiry regarding meaning » concrete conditions » security


physiological+sociological (security) conditions

The symbols for L-phase nodes are horizontally oriented disks, but they're wobbling disks, and so they extend more or less into the vertical dimension, marking out levels in a developmental progression. The G-node is second closest (after D) to the flattened black disk representing ideally-opaque materiality; its wobble moderately extends into verticality. It thereby also represents the second of six stages in a developmental progression.

letter G

The letter G is used to represent this node primarily given the relation of its proposed numerical value (7) to the other L-phase nodes as arranged in a triangle. See letter L for an explanation.

axThe Latin letter G was derived from the letter C to distinguish between the /k/ and /g/ sounds. Our letter C takes the place of the original gimel, while our letter G takes the place of the original zayin, which became our Z. If we were to associate zayin with G rather than Z, G would mean ax. Axes chop, just like the objective observation of facts chops the world into manageable chunks, and, in the field of objectivity (P), the G-node combines experiencer with that which is experienced—that is, it combines an universal point of view (Y) with the instrinsically valued facts of nature (V); from out of this relation we reap the assertions of propositional knowledge. In a word, an observer chops the world up into facts that can be stated. But why? So we can together reflect upon our situation, deliberate in a common set of terms, and thereby come to cooperate to make our shared situation secure/safe. This Project's G-node asks about security conditions.

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