Project IOAL

for existential inquiry

There's value in sustaining dialogue between life and death, the intelligible and the inscrutable, meaning and mystery. In the face of our profound finitude, a void is held up as a mirror. The mirror reflects, however dimly, the whole of our existence, thrusting it back upon us as a question.

To keep that question open and alive is to engage in existential inquiry, and it is that to which this Project is committed.

In an effort to provide a suitable mode of discourse for conducting the inquiry—one capable of keeping the question itself meaningful, open and alive—this Project posits an original framework of 26 perennial questions interrelationally-arranged, where each question is kept open by placing it in dialogue with all the others. (The images to the right diagram two views of the framework's 3D relational logic in its full, fractal form.)

With hope, a community will emerge around the inquiry, one led by expertly-informed lovers of wisdom (philosophers broadly-defined). Ambitiously, the Project's vision is (very) long-term—its ultimate goal being to help inform public discourse toward an emerging planetary culture.

Current release: alpha v.2022-11-11. What follows is presented as a work in progress to gather vanguard participants and supporters. The presentation begins with a slide-show introduction to the Project's inherent visual language system, intended to appeal to a broad audience.